What is Vascular Lesion Removal?
Usually, you don’t see the blood vessels in the skin, but sometimes they may burst or dilate. If you have multiple thin, superficial blood vessels, your skin may appear reddish. With laser treatment, we can effectively remove the visible blood vessels in just a few minutes. Areas that can be treated include both the face and the body.
How does vascular lesion removal work?
What happens is that the blood vessels absorb the light, which is converted into heat and causes the vessels to coagulate, then gradually shrink. You may experience mild redness and bruising, which will disappear over time. You may also feel a sensation of heat during the first day. It usually takes about three weeks to see the reduction of the vessel. For smaller vessels, you may see an immediate effect as the vessel shrinks. Depending on circulation, repeated treatments may be necessary at 4-week intervals.
Things to keep in mind:
Avoid sunbathing about 1 month before and after treatment, and avoid activities that increase blood circulation for 24 hours after treatment. SPF 30-50 should be used after treatment.